Friday, November 19, 2010

Market News

The zombies seem to be taking over the world lately. Books of the Dead issued a call for novels and novellas yesterday with a January 31, 2011 deadline. 40,000 to 120,000 words. They're paying an advance and royalties. Now, the deadline on this page says 2010 but the call was posted to their blog yesterday, so I'm assuming they meant 2011 for their deadline. Here's the call A hat tip to Paul Brazill who sent me the link.

Linger Fiction is a brand new zine looking to launch their first issue on January 1. They're looking for poetry and short stories in the fantasy, sci-fi, and horror genres. The pay is $10 for shorts to 5000 words, $5 for poetry and flash stories of 500 to 1000 words. The featured story will receive an extra $20. You can find all the details here

I may have mentioned Romance Flash before. They're looking for flash stories up to 1000 words and they're now paying $3 per story. They have an online submission form.

And Yellow Mama has closed to submissions until January 1.

1 comment:

Charles Gramlich said...

I definitely want to check out that zombie link.